The NetFUNNEL iOS Agent controls the traffic of web views output from within your application, protecting your service infrastructure and ensuring a stable user experience for your visitors.
- Service: A target website (URL) to control traffic in conjunction with NetFUNNEL.
- iOS 12 and above
- Available in Storyboard(obj-c, swift) and Swift UI
How to apply the NetFUNNEL iOS Agent
Apply the agent file
Import the SurffyAgent on the upper class where you want to use the agent.
Initialize the setting informations
To start, it is recommended to utilize the provided initialization function to configure the agent's settings.
The following are the initialization functions:
Initialization functions
Function type | Name | Argument | Description |
Initialization | setConfig | tenantURL | NF access URL |
projectDetailURL | URL to get the configuration file from | ||
eumURL | eum data collection URL | ||
delegate | NetFUNNEL delegate declaration view location | ||
oneTimeCallback | Once the configuration has been loaded successfully using setConfig, a callback function will be triggered only once. | ||
Check Initialization | checkConfigSuccess | N/A | Returns true for normal load, false for abnormal load |
Add the setConfig code at the override point in viewDidLoad() like the following
//ex> swift
let agent = NetFunnelAgent.shared
agent.setConfig(tenantURL: "The Tenant address provided in the NetFUNNEL console",
projectDetailURL: "The Configuration file load address provided in the NetFUNNEL console",
eumURL : "The EUM address provided in the NetFUNNEL console",
delegate: self,
oneTimeCallback: "It is important to note that after calling setConfig,
the NF function may not work properly if the configuration file has not been loaded.
If there are areas or functions that need to be called only once immediately after setConfig,
place them in a oneTimeCallback or add them as a separate callback.")
//ex> obj-c
NetFunnelAgent *agent = [NetFunnelAgent shared];
[agent setConfigWithTenantURL:@"The Tenant address provided in the NetFUNNEL console"
projectDetailURL:@"The Configuration file load address provided in the NetFUNNEL console"
eumURL:@"The EUM address provided in the NetFUNNEL console"
It is important to note that after calling setConfig,
the NF function may not work properly if the configuration file has not been loaded.
If there are areas or functions that need to be called only once immediately after setConfig,
place them in a oneTimeCallback or add them as a separate callback.
Traffic Control Settings
Basic Control
To apply a virtual waiting room to a specific part of a page (view or activity) that requires traffic management, use the Wait-Start function provided separately.
Check out the following functions.
Wait-Start function for basic control
Function type | Name | Argument | Description |
Wait-Start function for basic control | NFStart | projectKey |
The project key can be found in the NetFUNNEL console. ex) service_1 |
segmentKey |
The segment key can be found in the NetFUNNEL console when creating a segment. ex) segKey_1234 |
After calling the SurffyReqManager shared singleton object, use the NFStart function.
To retrieve the key given at the beginning of the waiting period, utilize the NFStop function.
//ex> swift
var req = SurffyReqManager.shared
req.NFStart(projectKey: "projectKey", segmentKey: "segmentKey")
//ex> objc-c
SurffyReqManager * req = [SurffyReqManager shared];
[req NFStartWithProjectKey: @"projectKey" segmentKey:@"segmentKey"];
Path Control
To apply a virtual waiting room to a specific part of a page (view or activity) that requires traffic management, use the Wait-Start function provided separately.
To control access to a page with an endpoint, use path control.
- e.g.) Access the event page, purchase a product while signed in, and then sign out.
After calling the SurffyReqManager shared singleton object, use the NFStartSection function.
To retrieve the key given at the beginning of the waiting period, utilize the NFStopSection function.
Wait-Start function for path control
Function type | Name | Argument | Description |
Wait-Start function for path control | NFStartSection | projectKey |
The project key can be found in the NetFUNNEL console. ex) service_1 |
segmentKey |
The segment key can be found in the NetFUNNEL console when creating a segment. ex) segKey_1234 |
//ex> swift
var req = SurffyReqManager.shared
req.NFStartSection(projectKey: "projectKey", segmentKey: "segmentKey")
//ex> objc-c
SurffyReqManager * req = [SurffyReqManager shared];
[req NFStartSectionWithProjectKey: @"projectKey" segmentKey:@"segmentKey"];
Implement the Delegate
During the waiting period, various callback functions are executed. By utilizing different types of callback functions, you can implement scenarios for accessing, waiting, blocking, and canceling.
Here are the return code information.
Return Code | Description | Delegate |
0 |
Network error for request to enter the service |
SurffyActionError |
200 (SUCCESS) |
Connection success |
SurffyActionSuccess |
201 (CONTINUE) | Waiting (Enter the queue) | |
300 (BYPASS) | Bypass access | SurffyActionBypass |
301 (SERVERSIDE_BLOCK) | Access Blocked | SurffyActionBlock |
302 (SERVERSIDE_IP_BLOCK) | IP Blocked | SurffyActionBlock |
303 (EXPRESS_NUMBER) | Bypass access | SurffyActionBypass |
When a visitor cancels their wait in the waiting room |
SurffyActionCancel |
500 | Unknown Network error | SurffyActionError |
기타 50x ~ 999 | Other errors | SurffyActionError |
1001 |
Device network disconnection (Mobile, Wi-fi, etc) |
SurffyActionBlock |
Here are the Delegate inforomation.
Function Type | Name | Argument | Description |
Delegate |
SurffyActionSuccess |
projectKey |
The project key used when entering ex) service_1 |
segmentKey |
The segment key used when entering ex) service_1 |
retcode |
Result code for the request at the time when delegate execution. |
Delegate |
SurffyActionError |
projectKey |
The project key used when entering ex) service_1 |
segmentKey |
The segment key used when entering ex) serKey_1234 |
retcode |
Result code for the request at the time when delegate execution. |
Delegate |
SurffyActionCancel |
projectKey |
The project key used when entering ex) service_1 |
segmentKey |
The segment key used when entering ex) serKey_1234 |
retcode |
Result code for the request at the time when delegate execution. |
Delegate |
SurffyActionBypass |
projectKey |
The project key used when entering ex) service_1 |
segmentKey |
The segment key used when entering ex) serKey_1234 |
retcode |
Result code for the request at the time when delegate execution. |
Delegate |
SurffyActionBlock |
projectKey |
The project key used when entering ex) service_1 |
segmentKey |
The segment key used when entering ex) serKey_1234 |
retcode |
Result code for the request at the time when delegate execution. |
Delegate |
SurffyCompleteSuccess |
projectKey |
The project key used when entering ex) service_1 |
segmentKey |
The segment key used when entering ex) serKey_1234 |
Delegate |
SurffyCompleteError |
projectKey |
The project key used when entering ex) service_1 |
segmentKey |
The segment key used when entering ex) serKey_1234 |
Declare the ViewController interface in the actual code by inheriting from SurffyDelegate.
It is possible to inherit from other places besides ViewController if necessary.
//ex> swift
import SurffyAgent
class ViewController: UIViewController, SurffyDelegate {
//ex> obj-c , ViewController.h
@import SurffyAgent;
@interface ViewController : UIViewController <SurffyDelegate>
Implement the callback functions as shown below inside the ViewController implementation that inherits from SurffyDelegate.
//ex> swift
class ViewController: UIViewController, SurffyDelegate {
func SurffyActionSuccess(projectKey: String, segmentKey: String, retcode: Int) {
print("SurffyActionSuccess called ",retcode)
//delegate executed when wait is success. retcode is 200
func SurffyActionBlock(projectKey: String, segmentKey: String, retcode: Int) {
print("SurffyActionBlock called ", retcode)
//delegate executed when blocked. retcode is 301 or 302
func SurffyActionError(projectKey: String?, segmentKey: String?, retcode: Int) {
print("SurffyActionError called ",retcode)
//delegate executed when error occurred. retcode is 0 or 500 or 501 ~ 999.
func SurffyActionBypass(projectKey: String, segmentKey: String, retcode: Int){
print("SurffyActionBypass called ",retcode)
//delegate executed when setting up a wait bypass. retcode is 300 or 303
func SurffyActionCancel(projectKey: String, segmentKey: String, retcode: Int, cancelTargetAddr: String) {
print("SurffyActionCancel called ", retcode)
//delegate run on cancel wait. retcode is 499
func SurffyCompleteSuccess(projectKey: String, segmentKey: String) {
print("SurffyCompleteSuccess called")
//delegate executed when retrieval key is successful.
func SurffyCompleteError(projectKey: String, segmentKey: String) {
print("SurffyActionComplete error called")
//delegate executed when retrieval key is failed.
//ex> obj-c, ViewController.m
@interface ViewController ()
@implementation ViewController
- (void)SurffyActionSuccessWithProjectKey:(NSString * _Nonnull)projectKey segmentKey:(NSString * _Nonnull)segmentKey retcode:(NSInteger)retcode {
//delegate executed when wait is success. retcode is 200
- (void)SurffyActionBlockWithProjectKey:(NSString * _Nonnull)projectKey segmentKey:(NSString * _Nonnull)segmentKey retcode:(NSInteger)retcode {
//delegate executed when blocked. retcode is 301 or 302
- (void)SurffyActionBypassWithProjectKey:(NSString * _Nonnull)projectKey segmentKey:(NSString * _Nonnull)segmentKey retcode:(NSInteger)retcode {
//delegate executed when setting up a wait bypass. retcode is 300 or 303
- (void)SurffyActionCancelWithProjectKey:(NSString * _Nonnull)projectKey segmentKey:(NSString * _Nonnull)segmentKey retcode:(NSInteger)retcode cancelTargetAddr:(NSString * _Nonnull)cancelTargetAddr {
//delegate run on cancel wait. retcode is 499
- (void)SurffyActionErrorWithProjectKey:(NSString * _Nullable)projectKey segmentKey:(NSString * _Nullable)segmentKey retcode:(NSInteger)retcode {
//delegate executed when error occurred. retcode is 0 or 500 or 501 ~ 999.
- (void)SurffyCompleteErrorWithProjectKey:(NSString * _Nonnull)projectKey segmentKey:(NSString * _Nonnull)segmentKey {
//delegate executed when retrieval key is successful.
- (void)SurffyCompleteSuccessWithProjectKey:(NSString * _Nonnull)projectKey segmentKey:(NSString * _Nonnull)segmentKey {
//delegate executed when retrieval key is failed.
Implement the callback on successful access
In the case of successful access, you need to implement two sets.
- Code for entering the target page
- Process of retrieving the issued key to the NetFUNNEL server by calling the completion function
Completion functions
Function type | Name | Argument | Description |
Completion function for basic control |
NFStop |
projectKey |
The project key can be found in the NetFUNNEL console. ex) service_1 |
segmentKey |
The segment key can be found in the NetFUNNEL console when creating a segment. ex) segKey_1234 |
Completion function for path control |
NFStopSection |
projectKey |
The project key can be found in the NetFUNNEL console. ex) service_1 |
segmentKey |
The segment key can be found in the NetFUNNEL console when creating a segment. ex) segKey_1234 |
Here are the sample codes that implement SurffyActionSuccess Delegate function.
//ex> swift
let SRM = SurffyReqManager.shared
SRM.NFStart(projectKey: "projectKey", segmentKey: "segmentKey")
func SurffyActionSuccess(projectKey: String, segmentKey: String, retcode: Int) {
Action after access the target page
// Retrieve the waiting key
let req = SurffyReqManager.shared
req.NFStop(projectKey: "projectKey", segmentKey: "segmentKey">)
//ex> obj-c
SurffyReqManager * req = [SurffyReqManager shared];
[req NFStartWithProjectKey: @"projectKey" segmentKey:@"segmentKey"];
- (void)SurffyActionSuccessWithProjectKey:(NSString * _Nonnull)projectKey segmentKey:(NSString * _Nonnull)segmentKey retcode:(NSInteger)retcode {
Action after access the target page
// Retrieve the waiting key
[req NFStopWithProjectKey: @"projectKey" segmentKey:@"segmentKey"];
Implement callback when an access or wait error occurs
If you receive an error while queuing to use NetFunnel or while waiting, it could be due to the NetFunnel server being down, network connection problems, etc.
Depending on the return code of the error, vaious flows can be implemented.
- Implement logic such as successful entry if entry is allowed on error.
- Implement logic such as entry blocked if entry is blocked on error.
- Implement other logic based on the error.
In the case of blocked or failed access, you can implement logic like the above, and unlike in the case of successful access, you don't need to call a separate completion handling function.
Below is sample code that implements the SurffyActionError Delegate function.
//ex> swift
let SRM = SurffyReqManager.shared
SRM.NFStart(projectKey: "projectKey", segmentKey: "segmentKey")
func SurffyActionError(projectKey: String, segmentKey: String, retcode: Int) {
1. Implement logic like SurffyActionSuccess when granting access.
2. implement logic like SurffyActionBlock when blocking access
3. implement other logic
//ex> obj-c
SurffyReqManager * req = [SurffyReqManager shared];
[req NFStartWithProjectKey: @"projectKey" segmentKey:@"segmentKey"];
- (void)SurffyActionErrorWithProjectKey:(NSString * _Nonnull)projectKey segmentKey:(NSString * _Nonnull)segmentKey retcode:(NSInteger)retcode {
1. Implement logic like SurffyActionSuccess when granting access.
2. implement logic like SurffyActionBlock when blocking access
3. implement other logic
Implement a callback to be called when the wait is bypassed
If the console page is checked to not use a netfunnel, the waiting request will receive a 300 or 303 return code and SurffyActionBypass will be executed.
When bypassing the wait, you can implement logic like the following
- Implement logic such as access success if access is granted
- Implement other miscellaneous logic
Below is sample code that implements the SurffyActionBypass Delegate function that is executed when the wait is bypassed.
//ex> swift
let SRM = SurffyReqManager.shared
SRM.NFStart(projectKey: "projectKey", segmentKey: "segmentKey")
func SurffyActionBypass(projectKey: String, segmentKey: String, retcode: Int) {
1. Implement logic such as access success when granting access
2. Implement other miscellaneous logic
//ex> obj-c
SurffyReqManager * req = [SurffyReqManager shared];
[req NFStartWithProjectKey: @"projectKey" segmentKey:@"segmentKey"];
- (void)SurffyActionBypassWithProjectKey:(NSString * _Nonnull)projectKey segmentKey:(NSString * _Nonnull)segmentKey retcode:(NSInteger)retcode {
1. Implement logic such as access success when granting access
2. Implement other miscellaneous logic
Implement a Callback that is Called when a Wait is Cancelled
If a visitor clicks the Cancel Wait button while waiting in a virtual waiting room, the Cancel Wait callback would be triggered. In this situation, you can usually implement the following logic to improve the visitor's experience.
- If they want to stay on the current page: no logic implementation needed.
- Implement logic to display a separate modal window indicating that the wait has been canceled.
- Implement logic to navigate to a specific page indicating that the wait has been canceled.
- Implement logging logic
In the case of a canceled wait, you can implement any of the above logic, and unlike the case of an entry success, it doesn't require a separate function call to handle the completion.
Below is sample code that implements the SurffyActionCancel callback function that is called when the Cancel Wait button is pressed.
//ex> swift
let SRM = SurffyReqManager.shared
SRM.NFStart(projectKey: "projectKey", segmentKey: "segmentKey")
func SurffyActionCancel(projectKey: String, segmentKey: String, retcode: Int) {
1. No need to implement logic if you want to stay on the current page
2. implement logic to open a separate modal window to indicate that the wait has been canceled
3. Implement logic to take the visitor to a special page that indicates the wait has been canceled.
4. Implement logging logic
//ex> obj-c
SurffyReqManager * req = [SurffyReqManager shared];
[req NFStartWithProjectKey: @"projectKey" segmentKey:@"segmentKey"];
- (void)SurffyActionCancelWithProjectKey:(NSString * _Nonnull)projectKey segmentKey:(NSString * _Nonnull)segmentKey retcode:(NSInteger)retcode {
1. No need to implement logic if you want to stay on the current page
2. implement logic to open a separate modal window to indicate that the wait has been canceled
3. Implement logic to take the visitor to a special page that indicates the wait has been canceled.
4. Implement logging logic
Tip. To resume waiting with a separate modal window when the Cancel Wait button is pressed
//ex> swift
func SurffyActionCancel(projectKey: String, segmentKey: String, retcode: Int, cancelTargetAddr: String) {
let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Are you sure you want to close the app?", message: "", preferredStyle: UIAlertController.Style.alert)
let cancle = UIAlertAction(title: "NF re-entry", style: .default, handler: {
action in
let SRM = SurffyReqManager.shared
SRM.NFStart(projectKey: self.proKey.text ?? "", segmentKey: self.segKey.text ?? "")
//Make a confirm button
let ok = UIAlertAction(title: "Close", style: .destructive, handler: {
action in
//Perform a specific function
//Add a confirm button on the waring window
present(alert,animated: true,completion: nil)
//ex> obj-c ViewController.m
@interface ViewController ()
@implementation ViewController
- (void)SurffyActionCancelWithProjectKey:(NSString * _Nonnull)projectKey segmentKey:(NSString * _Nonnull)segmentKey retcode:(NSInteger)retcode cancelTargetAddr:(NSString * _Nonnull)cancelTargetAddr {
// Trigged when user canceld NetFUNNEL request
UIAlertController *alert = [UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:@"Are you sure you want to close the app?"
message:@"" preferredStyle:UIAlertControllerStyleAlert];
UIAlertAction *cancel = [UIAlertAction actionWithTitle:@"NF 재진입"
handler:^(UIAlertAction *action) {
SurffyReqManager *SRM = [SurffyReqManager shared];
[SRM NFStartWithProjectKey:self.proKey.text segmentKey:self.segKey.text];
UIAlertAction *ok = [UIAlertAction actionWithTitle:@"종료"
handler:^(UIAlertAction *action) {
// Perform a specific function
[alert addAction:cancel];
[alert addAction:ok];
[self presentViewController:alert animated:YES completion:nil];
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